How to not gain weight on a cruise

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Everyone knows a cruise is about letting loose and having fun. It’s a veritable smorgasbord of sweet temptations, alcoholic libations, carb bombs, and my guilty pleasure, Carnival’s famous dark chocolate melting cake. But as a personal trainer and certified nutrition coach, I’m here to give you some smart tips on how to enjoy a cruise without sacrificing your waistline. I recently returned from a week-long Bare Necessities cruise in the Caribbean where I taught nude yoga and pilates. Charles, a 67-year-old retired state trooper pulled me aside after class and asked if I had any advice for maximizing my vacay while minimizing the damages. He was referring to weight gain, but other consequences of hyper-indulgence include inflammation, compromised immunity, sleep disturbances, energy depletion and mood swings. Luckily there are a few simple hacks that can help you stay on the sunny side of celebration.


Reserve Early
Sumo wrestlers gain weight by eating huge meals right before bed, but you should opt for early dining reservations. Pro Tip: book your time slots as soon as possible; Gladyss also wants your time slot and she’s a shark. Late Night Eating and Weight Gain – Harvard Gazette October 4, 2022

Foodie Tour
Scope your options on Day 1 (embarkation). Know where the dining rooms are, what cuisines they serve, their hours of operation, and whether reservations are required or recommended. The formal dining rooms often offer healthier options, and don’t forget that they also may serve breakfast and lunch. Seek out make-your-own options like omlette stations, burrito/taco bars, and of course the salad bar where you can control the ingredients.

Preemptive Strike
Eat before you get hangry. Pro-tip: I steal fruit/cheese from the buffet and keep it in the room for snacking. Shoot for a salad first and hit the lean protiens hard. Eggs, fish (not fried), chicken, and turkey are good choices that will keep you fuller longer. Healthy fats like nuts, cottage cheese, avocados, and unsweetened yogurt will leave you with less appetite for temptations.

Optimize for Pleasure
The first three bites are the best, so go ahead and eat your porterhouse steak, but chew slowly and savor the flavor. Consider splitting an entree with your partner or asking for a half size. Pro-tip: Gluten-free options tend to have higher quality ingredients. Look for fresh appetizers like guacamole, pioco de gallo and ceviche. Get creative with buffet options, like pairing sliced cucumbers with feta cheese or a banana with peanut butter. Stay off the fruit juices, they’re just as loaded with sugar as soft drinks. Instead, go for an aqua fresca or sparkling water with a splash of juice.

How many sets of stairs will that icecream cost you? How many rounds of pickleball is that muffin. How many push ups

Intermittent Fasting
Don’t want to sacrifice your guilty pleasures? Give yourself a glutton window then shut it down. Early dinner and a 16 hr fast will allow you to burn off that extra caloric energy instead of storing it in your thighs.

Granted, this is next level commitment, but it goes a long way towards a lean lifestyle. Bring your own healthy nut mix, high quality jerky (I love this shiitake mushroom jerky featured on Shark Tank), energy balls, Four Sigmatic mushroom chocolate, and protien powder to fill in the gaps. I bring my own dry mix of keto-friendly protein powder, cacao powder and chia seeds. I mix it with water or nut-milk, pop it in the fridge to soak and steal some fresh or dried fruit from the buffet and make a chia seed parfait as a healthy snack when I get a craving.

Drink like a Pro

Baccanalia Brakes
Skip the boozing incentive program known as their drink package. The little bit of friction that purchasing drinks ala carte creates is enough to tip the scale in your favor.

Drink on a full stomach. Not only will it help you be sober enough to make better (food and drink) choices, but it will also protect your liver with an additional buffer that slows the glycemic load on the metabolic pathways. Drink water, enhanced with low-carb electrolytes, to stay hydrated, moderate consumption, and reduce hang-over symptoms so that you have energy to be active.

Lowest Carb Drinks

Day Drinking
If you’re going to drink, you might as well start early. Or more like end early. Drinking late gives the body less time for metabolism and also dramatically affects sleep quality and recovery.